L2Up.net Ensures the reliability of your business

Protection against DDoS attacks

Dedicated Server


  • CPU 12x4.2 GHz

  • 512 GB NVMe SSD

  • 64 GB DDR4 RAM

  • 1000 Mbit/s Speed

VPS Server


  • CPU 2x2.1 GHz

  • 40 GB SSD

  • 4 GB DDR4 RAM

  • 200 Mbit/s Speed



  • 4 GB NVMe SSD

  • DDoS Protection

  • ISPmanager

  • SLA 99%



  • Dedicated IP

  • DDoS Protection

  • Dollarpe / Russia

  • Speed: 1 Gbps

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The performance of any resource on the Internet is always associated with risks. The most common are possible DDos attacks, the purpose of which is to slow down or completely stop the functioning of the site. Both large corporations and small private firms or owners of their own Internet resources with competitors or simply ill-wishers can face a problem.

The company "L2Up.net" offers high-quality protection against DDoS attacks, which will allow your resource to remain accessible. Nowadays, when the threat of such an impact on the websites of companies and individuals has become especially high due to its low cost and powerful destructive power, protection is especially important. It is much easier to protect yourself from attacks than to restore a resource.